The Hermit
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Away Messages

Ok so below i've listed some pretty cool away messages to use with feel free to use one...if you have anyones to add, just let me know!!

* Officer I swear to drunk I'm not God.
*If you can read this message without any trouble, then you obiviously have a lack of alcohol.
*I live for the nights I'll never remember with friends I'll never forget.
*Im not at my computer right now, cuz I don't want to puke on my keyboard.
*It's that time of the week again. I'm in the shower. (for lester)
*Im taking a shower, by the way %n your starting to smell, You need to take one too!
*Making an offering to the porcelain God...BRB
*Sorry I'm not at the computer right now...But I am on the toilet if you would like to come over and bring me some toilet paper that would be greatly appreciated.
*Be back in a flush...opps i ment flash
*Im in the shower, bars of soaps around the world are jealous
*Negotiating the release of the chocolate hostages.
*On the Potty. If not back in 5 minutes, I fell in.
*Im taking a shower so i will smell good for you %n!

*Beleeve it or not I am aktually at klass tyring two git meself en edummacation...lev a mesage!
*Don't judge a book by it's movie.
*Apparently my teachers are having a contest to see who can give out the most homework.
*College: Producing the most education alcoholics since 1892.
* Im trick or treating on the highway dressed as a dear.
*If you can guess what I'm doing, I'll give you a cookie.
* If you were stranded on a deserted island and could bring only one thing, what would it be? For those of you who didn't say a boat, I don't think I'll be talking to you anytime soon. For the rest of you, feel free to leave me a message.
*Picking the fuzz off of my socks. I'll be back when I'm all done.
*Trying to bite my ear. I'll be back soon.
*Walking my pet midget.
*Beware of the little green men in pink tights. They run fast and can jump out of nowhere.
*The tree outside looks lonely, I'm going outside to give it a hug.
*Exercising, I'll be back when I'm all sweaty and smelly.

*Filling my tummy with something yummy~ obviously I didn't go to the LMU cafe`.
*If you eat right, exercise and sleep well, you still die! Therefore im pigging out.
*I heard my stomach growl and I got scared. So Im giving it what it wants.
*Everyone is intitled to be stupid, but %n is abusing it.
* %n, it's ok, half the people in the world are below average too!
* Everyone is smart in their own way, but Im not sure about %n
* Mirrors don't talk and lucky for %n they don't laugh either
*Im out like %n in a beauty contest
Makes Ya Think
* People are more vioently opposed to fur then they are to leather, cuz it's safer to harrass rich women then a motorcycle gang.
*The early bird gets the worm, but the late rising worm lives.
*Did you know that it is anatomically impossible to lick your own elbow? 75% of those who hear that actually try it!
*If a word is misspelled in the dictionary, how would we know?
*If toast always lands butterside down and cats always on their feet. What would happen if you strapped toast to the back of a cat?
* Isn't it scary to know that what DR.'s do is called practice?
*I feel sorry for all of you who take forever to fall asleep. I can do it like a snap! I could even fall asleep right here on the keyb-- ghtufkndyghdhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....
*I hate my alarm clock... because it works so well.
*Everyone thinks I like to sleep. It's not that I like to sleep, it's just that I don't like to get up.
*Tossing and turning thinking about nothing but you ...and all of the trouble you've caused me.

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